Hey Adventure Brides!

I’m back today with a REALLY great topic you won’t want to miss! Make sure you pin this post to your adventure elopement board for later, because you will definitely need to reference this again.

Today I go over the top 14 considerations I help my adventure elopement couples think through during consultations when they have NO idea where to elope! Maybe they are indecisive because there are so many great locations it’s hard to narrow it down to one, or maybe they are polar opposites and one wants tropical and one wants tundra. Whatever the case, the following points are the exact questions I ask them to help them come to their location conclusion.

So, grab your warm apple cider (since it’s currently autumn and the leaves are BEAUTIFUL outside), your favorite flannel blanket, and your fur baby to snuggle with because we are going to dive pretty deep today with this topic.

1. Reflect on your love story

Garden of the Gods Adventure Engagement

Is there a specific place that holds meaning to you and your significant other as a couple? Maybe a scenic spot where you met, or popped the question, or had an unforgettable vacation at. Maybe another life event took place at a particular spot that really holds sentimental value to you or your partner. Maybe it just feels right in a certain spot. Whatever the case, this is often a good place to start when ruling out potential adventure elopement locations.

2. Personal Preferences

Next is taking into consideration each person’s preferences. If one of you absolutely hates the cold, then maybe eloping in the dead of winter in Alaska isn’t the journey for you. Maybe there is a place you both have in common on your bucket list. Now is the perfect time to book your photographer, do a bunch of research and JUST GO! There is no right or wrong way to go about your adventure elopement.

3. Set your Budget

Adventure elopements are definitely more affordable than traditional weddings, especially if you honeymoon where you elope. But either way, knowing your financial limits is still important. There are still large expenses involved such as your dress potentially, photography - DON’T decide to save money in this area…you want photos to show just how epic your elopement was, and flaking out on the photography definitely is not the way to show that - and housing while you are there. Obviously there are ranges to these categories, but it is still important to discuss the budget with your significant other when booking larger expenses in the vacation.

4. Seasons & Weather

Garden of the Gods Adventure Engagement

The next consideration I like to bring up to adventure couples when choosing an adventure weddings or elopement location is preferences on weather & seasons. Eloping on the beach during hurricane season may not be the best option if you want creamy sunsets and photos that don’t involve hair flying in your face every 2 seconds. (As someone who lives in Florida for the majority of each year just…trust me on this one).

And if you’re not used to the cold, maybe choosing to elope in Alaska during their darkest months isn’t the journey for you either. Maybe a more tropical climate might be in order. Either way, you both know what you love, and the beauty of eloping is that you can go anywhere anytime you choose. If you love fall colors, maybe a New Hampshire or Vermont excursion in October is the answer. If you love waterfalls, maybe a springtime trip to north Georgia is the way you choose to go.

Either way, just know that weather can play a huge role on your adventure elopement through the great outdoors; and it’s definitely worth considering when discussing potential elopement locations.

5. Accessibility

Accessibility is another big issue that many people really don’t think about when booking their elopements. Alot of times people will see a cool photo online and say “that’s it - I wanna go there…” and that’s fine. But some of the most beautiful spots are often the hardest to get to. Many times the best mountain top scenes includes a 5-10+ mile hike. Just so you’re mentally prepared. To some this is the perfect trip, but others may shy away and tend to gravitate towards a place that is easier to get to.

Garden of the Gods Adventure Engagement

As your elopement photographer and coordinator, I can obviously help with the logistics of planning things like dresses on hikes, picnics on hikes, etc. But only you can answer just how far you want to go.

It’s also worth mentioning in this section that oftentimes the most privacy for intimate ceremonies will be found in the harder to reach locations. But for some, privacy isn’t a problem (because who doesn’t like a good round of applause and cheers when they seal the deal).

If you elopement is more of a micro-wedding, and you are expecting some family or friends to be involved in your day, you may need to accommodate for that. While our elopement team is medically trained, that doesn’t mean that we’ll be hiking Great Aunt Gladys up a mountain with her walker. Just saying ;)

6. Permits, Licenses, & Regulations

So this is another part that I will help walk you through as an elopement photographer, but permits can be a huge headache for many couples. Almost all national parks require them, and oftentimes only the people getting married can apply. Some places have a longer waiting period for approvals than others, so making sure that you give yourself enough time to get your application in is important. Again, your planner or photographer can help with this part, but it is something to note.

7. Private vs. Public Places

As I mentioned in a previous section, oftentimes the more private a spot is, the harder it is to get to. It is important to discuss your privacy goals with your photographer or planner so that they can work on a good timeline to get you to the correct places at the best times. If privacy isn’t a priority, this obviously opens up more options for some neat photos. You can always do a combination of the two (recommended), and do your ceremony in an intimate setting, then get photos at the more tourist-y locations after.

8. Scenic Beauty

Garden of the Gods Adventure Engagement

Typically, the obsession with adventure elopements is for the nature. Again, this is a discussion you’ll want to have with your photographer when you discuss your photo goals and shot lists. If the landscapes are your priority, and you’d like your photog to take a step back to capture all of it, let them know so they can plan ahead and craft your wedding day timeline so that you’ll have the best lighting for your adventure. If your priorities are more up-close-and-personal shots, let them know that too.

9. Safety

One awesome perk of having me as your photographer is that your elopement team is actually made up of experienced medical professionals. I myself am a critical care nurse, my husband is a lifeguard and certified in life-saving measures, and all of my associate shooters are either nurses or formally medically trained as well. Safety is VERY important to us, and we will let you know if something seems unsafe or if we need you to adjust your activities during the day to accommodate for those safety measures and concerns.

10. Local Vendors

Another thing to consider, which doesn’t apply to all couples, but for those who are wanting to book local vendors for their day as well, may need to take their location into account. If you are wanting to have a charcuterie board/picnic or a cake, etc. you may want to consider having a more accessible location for your adventure elopement. Or if any other vendor will be involved with your day such as an officiant (something my husband and I can also help with), they may have trouble getting to the correct spot.

11. Photo Ops (my favorite :)

One cool thing about our elopement team is that we are SO flexible with locations and accommodating our adventure couples. If you say that you have two locations and want to hit one up at sunrise and the other at sunset to have 2 completely different photo experiences, WE ARE ALL HERE FOR IT.

If you decide you want to extend your elopement experience over 2-3 days and do engagement shoots, wedding/elopement shoots, boudoir shoots, and honeymoon shoots all in the same trip, WE CAN DO THAT.

Garden of the Gods Adventure Engagement

These options are some really cool ways to get multiple locations in on your trip, especially if you go to a spot with tons of great views. Many national parks in both America and Canada can boast multiple types of locations within their land.

For example: if you wanted to kick of your weekend with a classy engagement picnic shoot overlooking the sunrise on a lake or river, then do a steamy boudoir session that evening at a waterfall, the next morning you still have time to do a honeymoon shoot in a forest setting or a hike to the mountains - all in the same weekend in the same park, same stay, same photographer, everything. And you will have SO many neat photos to share and choose from for your wedding albums and canvases for your home. And that is just ONE example of all the neat ideas couples have come up with to really maximize their investment.

12. Guest Accommodations (if applicable)

This section is a slight repeat of my last point in the accessibility chapter. If you’re expecting guests to attend your micro-ceremony, you’ll need to make sure you choose a location that they can get to easily. You’ll also need to make sure there are places they can stay that are within reasonable distance. As your photographer and planner, my team can help with that.

Oftentimes, couples opt to do their private vows in an intimate, harder to reach location, then come back to do a Happily Ever After party with their friends and family. The beauty of it is - IT’S ALL YOUR CHOICE and there is no right or wrong way to do this. Family, no family…party, no party…it’s all ok!

13. Backup Plans

Garden of the Gods Adventure Engagement

Everyone’s favorite topic…not really. But a very necessary one. Backup plans are necessary parts of the adventure elopement for obvious reasons such as the outdoors are the outdoors. And while we love Mother Nature, sometimes she is not always cooperative with our plans. Your elopement photographer and planner can help you with these backup plans and locations in case of a monsoon or avalanche or some other equally detrimental event.

14. Emotional Connection

At the risk of sounding like a yoga instructor, do this exercise with me. Close your eyes (after reading the rest of the instructions of course, but really…close them). Picture yourself in your dress, with your person, saying your vows…

Where are you?

Are on a beach with palm trees waving in the breeze and a flaming red sunset in the background over the water? Are you at a mountain lake in a shawl and hat with air so crisp you can see your breath? Are you in a dessert setting with red rocks behind you and cactuses around you?

This part is really, really important. Where do you see yourself? Oftentimes in just taking a few quiet moments to really close our eyes and reflect on what we want, we find we already have the answer.

What location really just connects and resonates with you on an emotional level? What place just FEELS right, even if you can’t explain why?

You get where this is going. I can give you pages and pages of bucket list locations in any state, country, or territory; but at the end of the day, only you know what’s right for you.


Garden of the Gods Adventure Engagement

Well, you’ve survived this very long soap box that I just love to talk about if you couldn’t tell. I’m sure I’ll post a part 2 at some point!

This guide was meant to calm you and help you plan, not to overwhelm you. If you’re feeling anxious, that’s normal before your wedding. Especially if you’re eloping for family drama reasons, etc. But the important thing is, you realize that even if none of your plans work out, or something doesn’t go as expected, at the end of the day, you and the love of your life are still married. You’re still together, with a whole quiver full of new memories that you didn’t have before in a cool location. And that’s huge.

As your go-to adventure elopement photographer, I hope this post really helps you with your decision-making process!

If you have any questions, I’m always here for you! Find me on Instagram @dyetheknot_bridalgallery
and give me a follow and a DM.

If you’re ready to book your adventure elopement experience, please feel free to fill out my contact form on this website.

Till next time!



The Adventure Bride’s Guide to Emergency Kits


The Adventure Bride’s Guide to the Perfect Picnic Setup